Kells Road, Collon, Co. Louth €220000

  • Plot Size :

    2.15 ac

2.15 ac Development Land

  • Folio No: LH 21747 F
  • C. 2.15 acres
  • 2/3 zoned village centre
  • 1/3 zoned strategic reserve
  • 1 stone roofed building C. 2,000 s.f.
  • 20ft private well yielding 1,000 gallons per hour.

Property Location

QGH7+36P Collon, County Louth, Ireland

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    Paddy Watters Auctioneers Collon
    MIPAV TRV MCEI, Certified Auctioneer and Valuer

    We are a trusted auctioneers and we like to offer a friendly, professional service. Drop into our office in Ardee Street, Collon if you would like us to answer any queries that you might have.